
How Can Women Get Rid Of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?/महिलाओं को पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवरी सिंड्रोम से कैसे छुटकारा मिल सकता है?/ਪੋਲੀਸੀਸਟਿਕ ਓਵਰੀ ਕੰਡੇਮ ਤੋਂ ਔਰਤਾਂ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਛੁਟਕਾਰਾ ਪਾ ਸਕਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder in which the levels of a woman’s sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) are not in proper balance. This affects menstrual cycle and result in infertility among women dealing with this condition.

This syndrome can also cause unwanted changes in physical appearance. In the event of lack of treatment, it can cause severe health issues, like heart disease and diabetes with the passage of time.

Mainly the women with this syndrome develop many small cysts in their ovaries. That is the reason that it is known as polycystic ovary syndrome. Though the cysts are harmless but they can result in hormonal imbalances.

However, timely diagnosis and treatment can help control the symptoms and avert long-term issues. Polycystic ovary syndrome can be treated, but there’s no cure. The treatment can differ from woman to woman, depending on specific symptoms. Treatment can lessen unpleasant symptoms and help out to prevent long-term health issues.

Here are some ways to ease symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome…

Make some lifestyle Changes

Making some lifestyle changes such as doing some regular exercise and weight control are the main treatments for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). One should often try to fit in any moderate activity as well as any vigorous activity. Walking is the best exercise that the majority of people can do.

Eat Heart-Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet can also prove effective in dealing with polycystic ovary syndrome. A healthy diet includes lots of vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and whole grains. It helps to restrict foods that have high saturated fat, like meats, cheeses, and other fried foods.

Friends, as you all know very well that classical homeopathic medicines are prescribed only on the basis of TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS with a clear cut identification of disease in patient and patient in disease also, even then we are providing here just a few homeopathic medicines for different types of medical problems in a short way.

But reader is advised very strongly to use the medicines only under medical supervision and these medicines should never ever consumed without proper consultation with your doctor or GP.

All types of ACUTE as well as CHRONIC COMPLEX diseases, (as described in this article) are being treated gently and harmoniously in our Singhal multispecialty homoeopathy clinic with best classical homoeopathy medicine available to us, by helping and correcting the internal immune system .

We, in our clinic treat all types of acute and chronic diseases and for this we are having best qualified homoeopathic doctors available with us.

As you all know that In this modern mobile and digital era, diseases are increasing day by day just because of our poor life style which includes improper nutrition with no exercise and working in high level of pollution as well as radiation ; this give rise to all type of life-style diseases which includes Obesity, Diabetes, Text neck, Hypertension, Stress Related Anxiety And Depression, Thyroid And Menses Related Problems, Eczema Or Dermatitis, Lichen Planus, Psoriasis Vulgaris, Hairfall, Skin Allergy And Allergies To Milk, Dust, Mites, Wheat And Perfumes Etc, Student’ Stress, I.B.S. (Ulcerative Colitis ),Rheumatoid Arthritis And Other Auto Immune as well as Hormonal Disorders And Diseases Etc.

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