
Ways To Improve The Functionality Of Liver/ जिगर की कार्यक्षमता में सुधार के तरीके/ ਜਿਗਰ ਦੀ ਕਾਰਜਸ਼ੀਲਤਾ ਵਿਚ ਸੁਧਾਰ ਕਰਨ ਦੇ ਤਰੀਕੇ

Liver is a large organ which is mainly responsible for filtering the blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing it to the other body parts. In addition, it also removes toxins like bilirubin and ammonia from the blood, along with converting the nutrients from digestion into forms that the body can use. From all these facts the importance of liver health cannot be overstated and these facts make it vital for your overall health and well being.

Here are some ways that can help liver functions properly…

  • Remove Certain Foods From Diet
    The very first thing that a person can do to help improve his liver function is to remove, or just limit intake of certain foods from their diet. Experts recommend avoid eating heavy, fatty foods including things like margarine, shortening and commercial oils, as these just increase the work for the liver.Moreover, one need to reduce their consumption of any refined sugars, like sucrose and fructose. These sugars are mostly found in soda and fruit juices and can encourage fatty liver disease, and cause liver inflammation. Additionally, one should also avoid consuming refined carbohydrates, which are mostly found in white rice, white bread, and regular pasta.
  • Take a Healthy Diet
    One must opt for healthier food choices in order to improve the liver’s function and maintain it over time. One should consume a lot of fruits and vegetables, if possible fresh, as they contain many valuable vitamins and minerals needed by liver to perform its functions. Some high fiber rich food items like fruits and vegetables, rice, whole grains, and cereals help the body eliminate toxins very effectively as they increase the frequency and quality of bowel movements.

  • Do not Take Stress
    Everyone knows that stress can be extremely hard on the body, including the liver. Stress not only affects the endocrine, digestive, reproductive, and immune systems, but it can also cause changes to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. These changes promote inflammatory response and worsen liver damage, eventually contributing to liver diseases.
  • Increase Your Physical Activity
    A regular exercise can prove very helpful for liver. It offers countless benefits to the body apart from improving the liver function. Doctors suggest that getting heart pumping and increasing circulation can help liver process and detoxify blood in a better way, which is then releases to your organs, brain, tendons, and joints.
  • Use of Certain Liver-Boosting Herbs
    There are certain herbs that can also be used to boost liver function, such as milk thistle, rosemary, artichoke and boldo. These herbs increase the production of bile; increase blood flow or improve enzymatic activity of the liver and increase nervous activity of the liver.
  • Drink plenty of Water
    Water is an essential component for body. It is very much needed for the detoxification processes of the liver, and without an adequate amount of this, the processes can be stilted. Health experts recommend drinking eight to 10 glasses of filtered water in a day.
    Moreover, adding fresh lemon juice in water particularly in the morning can further help in detoxification process because it encourages gallbladder contractions, which let bile flow toxins to the duodenum in the small intestine, and from there out of the body.

Friends, as you all know very well that classical homeopathic medicines are prescribed only on the basis of TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS with a clear cut identification of disease in patient and patient in disease also, even then we are providing here just a few homeopathic medicines for different types of medical problems in a short way.

But reader is advised very strongly to use the medicines only under medical supervision and these medicines should never ever consumed without proper consultation with your doctor or GP.

All types of ACUTE as well as CHRONIC COMPLEX diseases, (as described in this article) are being treated gently and harmoniously in our Singhal multispecialty homoeopathy clinic with best classical homoeopathy medicine available to us, by helping and correcting the internal immune system .

We, in our clinic treat all types of acute and chronic diseases and for this we are having best qualified homoeopathic doctors available with us.

As you all know that In this modern mobile and digital era, diseases are increasing day by day just because of our poor life style which includes improper nutrition with no exercise and working in high level of pollution as well as radiation ; this give rise to all type of life-style diseases which includes Obesity, Diabetes, Text neck, Hypertension, Stress Related Anxiety And Depression, Thyroid And Menses Related Problems, Eczema Or Dermatitis, Lichen Planus, Psoriasis Vulgaris, Hairfall, Skin Allergy And Allergies To Milk, Dust, Mites, Wheat And Perfumes Etc, Student’ Stress, I.B.S. (Ulcerative Colitis ),Rheumatoid Arthritis And Other Auto Immune as well as Hormonal Disorders And Diseases Etc.

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