
Homeopathic Treatment for Writer’s Cramp/ लेखक का ऐंठन/ ਲੇਖਕ ਦੀ ਕ੍ਰੈਂਪ

  • Ms. Inderpreet Kaur (Health Writer)

What is Writer’s Cramp?

Writer’s cramp is a condition that involves chronic sustained pain or sudden painful contraction of some muscles of the hand or fingers.

The patient experiences this disease generally feels uncontrolled, irritating or tedious muscular contraction that leads to changed movements and abnormal position or attitudes of hands and fingers.

Writer’s cramp mostly affects one body part and people between the ages of 30 to 50 years generally get affected with this disease. However, it can affect any age group; both genders equally.

What Causes Writer’s Cramp?

Though the exact reason behind Writer’s cramp is not clear yet but it is normally believed to due to excessive muscular or motor activity, might be complicated by a flawed writing technique.

Moreover, there is a possibility that in some cases, this disease might be aggregated by some certain chemical exposure. Furthermore, Writer’s cramp might not occur with any family history. But in some reported cases hereditary tendency had play a key role.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Writer’s Cramp?

The major symptoms of Writer’s cramp include occurrence of pain and feeling uneasiness while using the hand or fingers for quite a long time. Apart from it, patients experienced difficulty in using the hands, for writing, typing or for any other professional purposes along with a severe pain. A similar situation can also be observed in some professionals like musicians playing some instruments, or might be in case of golfers.

Moreover, the handwriting becomes changed, even some times unreadable as well. Patients mostly face many difficulties because of the change in their signatures.

Writer's Cramp
Some of the most Common Symptoms Include:

  • excessive abnormal or faulty movement of the wrist or elbow
  • excessive gripping of a pen or utensil
  • flexing of the wrist
  • elevation of the elbow
  • occasional extension of a finger or fingers

How do Doctors Diagnose Writer’s Cramp?

Diagnosis of writer’s cramp can be made by doctors depending on the information given by the individual and the physical and neurological examination. However, there is not any specific test to validate the diagnosis of this condition.

The hands can get affected due to various conditions. Tendon problems, Arthritis, and muscle cramps can all result in causing pain in the hands. Carpal tunnel syndrome is mainly due to nerve compression.

Writer’s cramp is mostly mistaken for over-use conditions. Repeated-use syndromes or over-use syndromes are generally characterized by pain, while writer’s cramp is mainly responsible to cause problems with coordination. Focal hand dystonia can be held responsible for just around 5% of all conditions affecting the hand.

How is the Writer’s Cramp Treated?

The exact treatment strategy for writer’s cramp vary from case to case as there no single treatment strategy is appropriate for every case. The most effective method is adapting tasks to avoid triggering the dystonic movements. This might include occupational therapy or using assistive/adapted devices.

There is large number of oral drugs that have been considered helpful for people with writer’s cramp, but none of them seems to be equally effective. Around 5% of people’s symptoms improved with the help of anticholinergic drugs, such as Cogentin (benztropine) and Artane (trihexyphenidyl).

Botulinum neurotoxin injections can also prove helpful, particularly in treating those writer’s cramp cases, where there is a major deviation of the finger joints or wrist. Though this treatment is not quite effective for all people, but considerable improvement in writing and reduction of pain has been observed in majority of people treated this way.

Homeopathic Treatment for Writer’s Cramp

Homeopathic treatment is proven quite effective for Writer’s cramp especially if this condition is treated in its early stages; as the chances of complications become less.

Homeopathic medicines for writer’s cramp work as muscle relaxants and pain relievers. Homeopathy treatment aims at reducing sudden painful contraction (spasms) and to reinstate the disturbed functions of the body parts.

Friends, as you all know very well that classical homeopathic medicines are prescribed only on the basis of TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS with a clear cut identification of disease in patient and patient in disease also, even then we are providing here just a few homeopathic medicines for different types of medical problems in a short way.

But reader is advised very strongly to use the medicines only under medical supervision and these medicines should never ever consumed without proper consultation with your doctor or GP.

All types of ACUTE as well as CHRONIC COMPLEX diseases, (as described in this article) are being treated gently and harmoniously in our Singhal multispecialty homoeopathy clinic with best classical homoeopathy medicine available to us, by helping and correcting the internal immune system .

We, in our clinic treat all types of acute and chronic diseases and for this we are having best qualified homoeopathic doctors available with us.

As you all know that In this modern mobile and digital era, diseases are increasing day by day just because of our poor life style which includes improper nutrition with no exercise and working in high level of pollution as well as radiation ; this give rise to all type of life-style diseases which includes Obesity, Diabetes, Text neck, Hypertension, Stress Related Anxiety And Depression, Thyroid And Menses Related Problems, Eczema Or Dermatitis, Lichen Planus, Psoriasis Vulgaris, Hairfall, Skin Allergy And Allergies To Milk, Dust, Mites, Wheat And Perfumes Etc, Student’ Stress, I.B.S. (Ulcerative Colitis ),Rheumatoid Arthritis And Other Auto Immune as well as Hormonal Disorders And Diseases Etc.

  • Dr. Vikas Singhal, a classical homeopath, has been practicing and treating patients now for the past 22 years, mainly in Chandigarh and Mohali (Punjab), India. Dr. Vikas is having a rich and varied clinical experience with a number of national and international achievements in his credit from presenting different case study papers on osteomyelitis, i.b.s. and cancer of various types in not only a new and innovatively designed method of applying homeopathy but with a blend of nutrition and spirituality. He applies all types of energy healing theories and practices together to give relief to all patients without being prejudiced. Dr. Vikas has vivifying energy, compassion, and passion to take homeopathic treatment to altogether new heights and avenues. he is known for his unique and peculiar style of case taking with the inclusion of diet.

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Ms. Inderpreet Kaur (Health Writer)

Ms. Inderpreet Kaur is a knowledgeable medical content writer specializing in homeopathy, enhancing patient understanding and outreach through accurate, research-based content.

12 thoughts to “Homeopathic Treatment for Writer’s Cramp/ लेखक का ऐंठन/ ਲੇਖਕ ਦੀ ਕ੍ਰੈਂਪ”

  1. Dear Sir,

    I have writer’s cramps in right hand. I have lost the beauty in my hand writing as I am unable to control my finger movement. Please suggest dosage of GELSEMIUM30 or any other medicine as remedy.


      Please contact us on WhatsApp +91 7087462000 or call on 0172-4611747 for further consultation.


      1. Sir…I’m suffering from writers cramp since 5 years and I’m taking homeopathic medicine. Got good results but now again it’s reoccurring. I feel as if I’m beaten by 5 to 6 people while writing or just after writing. I have lost interest in writing….. please help me to get rid of this

        1. Kindly send us all your details like name, problem details, address, photo of the affected area, previous prescriptions and doctor reports, etc., on our WhatsApp numbers +91 7087462000, +91 9041111747.

          Once the doctor has studied your case, someone from our clinic will contact you. You can choose between visiting our clinic for an in-person or an online audio/video consultation (as required and decided by the patient and the doctor) with the doctor.

  2. Writer’s cramp for many years. Not able to write from right hand hence managing to write in left hand. Please do suggest a medicine to get rid of this issue

    1. Kindly send us all your details like name, problem details, address, photo of the affected area, previous prescriptions and doctor reports, etc., on our WhatsApp numbers +91 7087462000, +91 9041111747.

      Once the doctor has studied your case, someone from our clinic will contact you. You can choose between visiting our clinic for an in-person or an online audio/video consultation (as required and decided by the patient and the doctor) with the doctor.

  3. Sir i am also suffering from writers cramps..i find very difficult to write pain ,hand shaking have to hold pen tightly to write anything…i lost my beauty of writing…!!

    1. Kindly send us all your details like name, problem details, address, photo of the affected area, previous prescriptions and doctor reports, etc., on our WhatsApp numbers +91 7087462000, +91 9041111747.

      Once the doctor has studied your case, someone from our clinic will contact you. You can choose between visiting our clinic for an in-person or an online audio/video consultation (as required and decided by the patient and the doctor) with the doctor.

  4. I am also suffering Writer’s cramp from 10 to 11 years. Not able to write from right hand. Please suggest medicine or proper treatment to resolve this problem.

    1. Kindly send us all your details like name, problem details, address, photo of the affected area, previous prescriptions and doctor reports, etc., on our WhatsApp numbers +91 7087462000, +91 9041111747.

      Once the doctor has studied your case, someone from our clinic will contact you. You can choose between visiting our clinic for an in-person or an online audio/video consultation (as required and decided by the patient and the doctor) with the doctor.

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