
Top Reasons For Hair Loss In Women

  • Ms. Mitali Thakur (Health Writer)

Hair loss is one of the most common problems faced by many males around the world. However, men are not the only gender at risk of hair loss as female pattern hair loss or baldness affects around half of all females between the ages of 12- and 40-years-old.

Bald spots, widow’s peaks, thinning hairlines, and comb over’s, are some of the most common symptoms for aging males with a family history related to male pattern baldness. On the other hand, hair loss or hair thinning in women can be an indication of another underlying health issue.

However, here are nine health-related reasons that can cause unexpected hair loss in women…

  • Anemia

According to health experts, around 10-percent of all adult women generally suffer from iron deficiency that can lead to temporary hair loss. Fortunately, anemia can be treated easily with the help of a daily iron supplement that can also help to improve headaches, low body temperature as well as dragging energy levels.

  • Stress or Anxiety

Any physical or emotional trauma, such as the death of a parent, pet, or spouse; career, relationship, or financial tensions; or an injury can prompt abrupt and temporary hair loss for affected women. However, once the emotional or physical stress get away, the hair can start to re-grow back normally in a few months.
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  • Pregnancy

No doubt a woman has to give her body more to growing and supporting a new life developing inside her. Hemorrhoid suffering and migraine are quite common conditions that women have to face during pregnancy. However, a combination of hormones and stress can also result in temporary hair loss not only during pregnancy but after a difficult delivery as well.

  • Hypothyroidism

An underactive thyroid gland can cause chaos in your body, as it can result in hair loss, weight fluctuations, uncontrolled hormones, and loss of energy. Hypothyroidism restricts the hormones needed for hair growth, metabolism, and other important body functions.

  • Eating Disorders

Unhealthy weight loss can physically disturb your body to such an extent that your hair might become thin and even fall out. Certain eating disorders, such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa, can result in severe vitamin and mineral deficiencies that shock the body and deprive it of the important nutrients for growth and development.

  • Protein Deficiency

Those females who are vegetarian, or just do not eat sufficient levels of protein; their long, thick hair might have to suffer its consequences. Lack of protein in body can suppress healthy hair growth within a 3 to 6 month time period. Therefore, it’s important for you to ensure that you’re eating adequate substitutes such as nuts and beans if you’re taking a vegetarian diet.

  • Birth Control Pills

Disturbing female hormone levels can be quite disturbing. Those Pregnant and menopausal women, who stop taking birth-control pills, are prone to suffer with sudden hair loss, or telogen effluvium, which is a health condition arise due to hormonal imbalance that contracts hair follicles.

  • Autoimmune Problems
  • Various autoimmune conditions, such as lupus or Crohn’s Disease, generally affect immune cells as they mistakenly attack the body and give rise to various issues including permanent hair loss or bald patches.

    • Use of Steroids

    Steroid use can also result in hair loss. Both male and female athletes may have to suffer the consequences of hair loss because of anabolic steroid abuse. Nevertheless, hair generally grows back in some time once the drugs run off from your system.

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Ms. Mitali Thakur (Health Writer)

Ms. Mitali Thakur is a passionate medical content writer at Dr. Singhal Homeo, creating accessible and engaging health information for diverse audiences.

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