To Get Rid Of Stress To Enjoy Good and Healthy Life

How To Get Rid Of Stress To Enjoy Good Health & Life?

Any major stress in life? Almost every patient visiting Life Force for any chronic disease is likely to be asked this question. In fact, enquiring about the stress in the patient’s life is a protocol that all homeopaths across the globe follow.

This question has a great significance because it has been proved that the rise in autoimmune diseases and changing lifestyle are related to the stressful life that we live today. Stress is an important factor when it comes to chronic, autoimmune, recurring diseases, be it under active thyroid, vitiligo, psoriasis, IBS, Colitis, allergies, asthma, hypertension or even cancer. Most often, these diseases are psychosomatic, i.e. Physical symptoms arising due to the mental disturbance, though not in all the cases.

In spite of knowing the role of stress in the lifestyle diseases to everyone, very few (patients as well as doctors) can actually understand what is the exact stress in their life. Out of them, only a few can really explain it well and finally, it depends on how the doctor interprets it and how much importance it finally gets in the evaluation of the case.

So, what is “stress” and why do the doctors put so much of emphasis on stress?

In the simple words, stress is anything that takes away your peace of mind and harmony. When this disharmony and disturbance persist for a long time, your brain releases certain impulses in the body that adversely affect the cells of your immune system. For an instance, when we are nervous or frightened, our heart starts pounding and we sweat, tremble, feel nauseated, and overall our physical health is disturbed.

The reaction to a particularly stressful event varies from person to person. For an instance, the loss in business apparently is the stress to someone who suffers it. But, how he takes that as a stress – as a financial loss, as a stigma to reputation, injury to self-esteem, or betrayal by his business partner, or any other way and how he responds to that stress also matters. That is the way he responds to it either by feeling angry, sad, frustrated, hurt or by any other emotion also matters. This reaction decides the intensity of the auto-immune disease that you develop.

When it comes to kids, what could possibly be the stress?

For instance, a 6-years-old child came to us a week ago with a spot of vitiligo since a month. Now, what triggered it in such a young boy? Was there really a stress? Yes! Parents said he was shifted from one class to another where he didn’t make good friends and he missed his old friends. This point is a significant factor when it comes to making a totality for the child and for making the prescription.

10 Effective Ways To De-Stress Yourself

  1. First of all, understand and realize that you are stressed – How to do that? Well, there are some signs and symptoms that your body tries to exhibit- irregular appetite, lack of sleep or excessive sleep, silly mistakes, forgetfulness, lack of attention and focus, inefficiency at work, irritability, mood swings, and other aspects that are different than usual. Know that you are stressed and try to work on it – effectively, positively.
  2. Understand and evaluate with a logical mind whether the stress is really worth giving so much of importance. Although it is difficult to identify when you are in a mid of a stressful situation, you need to weigh the pros and cons of the reaction that you would be delivering against the so-called “stress”.
  3. Join a hobby class. A long-lost hobby which you always had at the back of your mind but never followed may be because of a time crunch or any other reason, can help you combat stress. Go for it today. Spend one hour a day or as much as possible time to enjoy your favorite hobby. And, you will soon discover how it helps you overcome the stress.
  4. Meditate and exercise. Do yoga regularly. Exercising in the open air is known to release stress-relieving hormones which can calm you down and make you feel happy about life. Meditation makes your body more resilient to stress.
  5. Plan a trip for a couple of days or at least once in a year. Nature is the best healer that will help you get rid of stress and its adverse effects.
  6. Laugh a lot. Laughter is a proven stress-buster. Join a laughter club or just hang out with your old pals for a cup of coffee.
  7. Listen to some good music. Neuroscience says that listening to good music can bring your anxiety down by about 60%. So, plug on your headphones or earphones and relax.
  8. Take a break from your gadgets & social media. The radiation and the constant exposure to the outside world keep your brain overtly and highly active. Learn to switch off.
  9. Share your stress. There is no problem in the world which doesn’t have a solution. The more you share your stress, the better solutions you get. No harm in taking help of the others.
  10. Cut down on your caffeine intake, alcohol, smoking, and other harmful habits. These habits give a temporary “feel-good” feeling, which is followed by more anxiety as a secondary action.

Stress not only affects your own health but also affects people around you as well. Do not let external negativity affect your inner peace and harmony. Give your best to your professional and personal life and pamper yourself. If at all you feel you are stressed, say “All is well; this too shall pass” and move on.

Just remember. “STRESSED” spelled backward is “DESSERTS”. So, say cheers to life and enjoy the desserts that life throws at you.

To get Best Homeopathic Treatment and consultation online. They can directly call at Dr. Singhal Homeo calling or live chat at WhatsApp number +91 9056551747. Dr. Singhal Homeo also runs Tele-medicine services for its patients in which patients can order homeopathic medicine online and it provides free home deliver in case patients pay full amount in advance.

Dr. Vikas Singhal B.Sc. ,B.H.M.S., (B.F.U.H.S.) D.N.H.E.

Dr. Vikas Singhal, a classical homeopath, has been practicing and treating patients now for the past 22 years, mainly in Chandigarh and Mohali (Punjab), India. Dr. Vikas is having a rich and varied clinical experience with a number of national and international achievements in his credit from presenting different case study papers on osteomyelitis, i.b.s. and cancer of various types in not only a new and innovatively designed method of applying homeopathy but with a blend of nutrition and spirituality. He applies all types of energy healing theories and practices together to give relief to all patients without being prejudiced. Dr. Vikas has vivifying energy, compassion, and passion to take homeopathic treatment to altogether new heights and avenues. he is known for his unique and peculiar style of case taking with the inclusion of diet.

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