Classical Homeopathy VS Combination Medicines

What is Classical Homeopathy & How is It Different From Combinational Medicines?

The increasing competition and limited time have played a major role in deteriorating health over the past few decades. The modern-day lifestyle of the common man and woman has become a big hurdle in the way of their health. Self-medication is now a common practice. Moreover, people now prefer taking fast-acting symptom-suppressing medicines instead of […]

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Asthma Homeopathy Treatment for Child

Get the Best Homeopathic Treatment for Asthma in Children and Adults

5th May is observed as World Asthma Day. Asthma is a non-communicable disease with major public health consequences for both children and adults, including high morbidity and mortality in severe cases. It is a chronic respiratory disease that affects the airways in the lungs. When it starts to develop, the airways swell due to the […]

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Homeopathy medicine for piles and constipation

Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Piles and Constipation Treatment

If you experience any discomfort in and around the anal area while passing the stools or sitting, it could be a sign that you’re suffering from piles or hemorrhoids. Piles can affect people of all ages, but older adults and pregnant women are more likely to suffer from piles. In India, hemorrhoids affect over 10 […]

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Homeopathic treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Homeopathic Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disorder that primarily affects the spinal cord, brain, and optic nerves that may further lead to an impaired vision and an impaired muscle control. Symptoms may vary from patient to patient. Some patients experience symptoms while remaining find it challenging to perform their daily tasks. Therefore, they need immediate medical […]

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Corona Virus infection-Treatment

Precautions to Prevent Corona Virus and Its Prevention and Treatment In Homeopathy

You must have heard in recent news about the coronavirus outbreak. It is a common topic among members of our medical fraternity due to the persistent rise in the number of coronavirus cases. The first case of the coronavirus was registered in 2002 in China. On December 31, 2019, the WHO China office first heard […]

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AIDS-Homeopathy treatment

What is HIV/AIDS? Best Homeopathy Treatment for HIV/AIDS

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is potentially a life-threatening condition caused due to human immunodeficiency virus, which is also called HIV. It damages the immune system and reduces the body’s capability to fight against infections. HIV multiplies and attacks white blood cells called T-helper or CD4 cells of the immune system, eventually disturb the body’s natural […]

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What is Typhoid Fever? Homeopathic Treatment for Typhoid Fever

Typhoid Fever is potentially a fatal illness predominantly caused due to regular intake or utilization of contaminated water at homes. Symptoms remain mild during the first thirty days but reach to severity once the disease progresses. Surveillance report stated that females are more prone to Typhoid by 52.62% as compared to males which is 47.38%. […]

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Dengue fever

Case study of a Dengue Patient cured with Homeopathic Treatment within a week 

Dengue fever is a disease caused and spread by an infected mosquito bite. Dengue fever can be challenging to diagnose, as its signs and symptoms are similar to other disorders – such as malaria, leptospirosis, and typhoid fever. Dengue Symptoms usually begin in three to twelve days after infection. It may cause Joint Pain, Muscle […]

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Tourette Syndrome

Homeopathic Treatment for Tourette Syndrome in India

What is Tourette Syndrome? Tourette Syndrome is a brain-based or Neurodevelopmental Disorder that involves people to make Repetitive Movement or Involuntary sounds. For Instance, People might repeatedly blink the eyes, shrug the shoulder, or blurt unusual sounds and words. This Unwanted condition is called Tics. Symptoms Tics are sudden, Intermissive, repetitive, Despotic, Meaningless, Nonrhythmic unwanted […]

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