
Different Health Risks Associated With Tattoos

  • Ms. Inderpreet Kaur (Health Writer)

Tattooing is a form of body art and it is definitely not a modern trend as people have been imprinting on their skin for centuries by using various methods.

Nevertheless, while body art is a well-liked way for self-expression, there is certain health risks associated with this practice depending on the methods of the tattoo artist and your skin type.

Here are six health risks associated with Tattooing, which you need to know before getting ink…

  • Chances of Ink to Travel to Lymph Nodes
    In recent times, several media reports have shown detailed revelation about the art of Tattooing. Researchers in France and Germany examined the bodies of 4-donors with tattoos and compared to them with the bodies of 2-donors who did not have any tattoos.However, the results of the research revealed that tissue samples from two of the inked donors had marked lymph nodes, which were identical to the elements on the pigments on their skin. These nanoparticles had 5-elements, which are considered toxic, like chromium, aluminium, iron, copper and nickel.
  • Allergic Reactions
    Some of the tattoo dyes can also cause allergic reactions like an itchy rash in people particularly from the red, green yellow and blue dyes. However, one might not experience the allergic reaction right away but there are chances that this reaction can occur years after getting tattoos. Some other skin issues related with tattoos can include skin infections, granulomas (bumps around the tattoo), and keloids (raised areas of scar tissue).

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  • Serious Infections
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggested that the reactions from tattoos can be mild such as rashes or one can develop a fever. Moreover, the rash can also persist as the ink is permanent. However, FDA notifies that more aggressive infections can result in high fevers, chills, shaking, and sweating. Moreover, for treating these serious infections one might have rti deal with antibiotics and hospitalization and in some serious cases surgery as well. Therefore, it is always recommended by health experts that if you get sick after getting a tattoo, you must call your doctor and also inform the tattoo artist so that he can check the ink and avoid using it again.
  • Risk of Blood-Borne Disease
    One of the most important and first things one need to do before getting a tattoo is to make sure that his/her tattoo parlour should use sterile needles and generally offer good health practices. There are a number of cases of infectious diseases have been reported by people due to tattoo parlours that don’t follow good practices and proper guidelines.Moreover, using contaminated needles to draw tattoos can lead to a many serious diseases as well like Hepatitis B and C, and tetanus as well. In even extreme cases, one could end up with HIV that attacks the immune system and if left untreated, it can eventually develop into life-threatening AIDS.
  • Can Interfere With Medical Procedures
    According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in some cases, patients with tattoos might have to deal with temporary swelling and burning in the inked area in case if they undertake magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for medical purposes. This is the reason that it is always best to let your medical professional know before an MRI is ordered. Moreover, those who have any kind of metal body piercing also need to bring this up with their medical team.
  • Tattoo Removal Can Be Dangerous
    Getting rid of a tattoo is even more painful and scary then getting one. It involves some laser removal techniques, which can make many treatments to be successful, along with some discomfort. Moreover, the site from where you remove the tattoo can also be at risk for infection. Apart from it, there are also slight chances that you might get a permanent scar.

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Ms. Inderpreet Kaur (Health Writer)

Ms. Inderpreet Kaur is a knowledgeable medical content writer specializing in homeopathy, enhancing patient understanding and outreach through accurate, research-based content.

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