
Various Health Conditions That Lead To Lipoma Development

  • Ms. Inderpreet Kaur (Health Writer)

A lipoma is a growth of fatty tissue in a thin, fibrous capsule that slowly develops just below the skin. These are noncancerous soft tissue growth. Although lipomas can form on any part of the body but are found most often on the neck, upper thighs, upper arms, torso, and armpits. People of any age can develop a lipoma, but it is very rare in case of children.

A lipoma is normally be soft to the touch and can move easily if prodded with finger as it’s made up of fatty tissues. However, they generally have a slow growth. The lipoma is mostly painless but it can be painful if it grows into nerves below the skin. Though this condition can affect people of any age but it is most prevalent in adults between the ages of 40 and 60.

Although the exact cause of lipomas is not completely known yet, but the tendency to develop this condition is inherited. The risk of developing lipomas increases if there is a family history of lipomas. Moreover, a minor injury might prompt the growth. Apart from it, there are certain health conditions that can also increase the risk of developing lipoma.

Lipoma, Lipoma Treatment, Lipoma Treatment in Homeopathy, Homeopathy for Lipoma, Homeopathic Treatment for Lipoma, Homeopathic Medicines for Lipoma

Here are four major health problems that can give rise to development of lipoma…

Adiposis Dolorosa

One of the health conditions that increase the risk of lipomas is Adiposis dolorosa. It is a rare condition that is mainly characterized by the growth of multiple, painful benign or fatty tumors in the adipose tissue. The tumors are generally quite painful and found in a great quantity on the extremities. This condition is also known as Anders disease or Dercum’s disease.

Cowden Syndrome

Cowden syndrome is another disorder that can give rise to lipomas. This disorder is also known as Cowden’s disease and multiple hamartoma syndromes and is characterized by numerous noncancerous, tumor-like growths that are called hamartomas, which increase the risk of developing certain cancers.

Gardner’s Syndrome

Lipomas can also be a result of Gardner’s syndrome. It is a rare genetic disorder that generally causes what start out to be noncancerous or benign growths. Gardner’s syndrome is one of the genetic disorders that can lead to growths on different areas of the body. Tumors caused by Gardner’s syndrome are mostly found in the colon, in facts sometimes in very large numbers. These tumors tend to increase with age. Gardner’s syndrome is a genetic condition, therefore, it’s inherited.

Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis

The last health condition that increases the risk of Lipomas is Multiple symmetric lipomatosis. It is a rare condition that is characterized by the symmetric growth of fatty tumors around the shoulders, neck, upper arms or upper trunk. This condition mostly affects men of Mediterranean ancestry who are between the ages of 30 and 70 and have a history of alcohol abuse. However, non-alcoholics and women can also be affected with this disorder. The signs and symptoms of Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis generally vary from person to person. Generally, the accumulation of fatty tissue increases with the passage of time and can also lead to a loss of neck mobility and pain.

Friends, as you all know very well that classical homeopathic medicines are prescribed only on the basis of TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS with a clear cut identification of disease in patient and patient in disease also, even then we are providing here just a few homeopathic medicines for different types of medical problems in a short way.

But reader is advised very strongly to use the medicines only under medical supervision and these medicines should never ever consumed without proper consultation with your doctor or GP.

All types of ACUTE as well as CHRONIC COMPLEX diseases, (as described in this article) are being treated gently and harmoniously in our Singhal multispecialty homoeopathy clinic with best classical homoeopathy medicine available to us, by helping and correcting the internal immune system .

We, in our clinic treat all types of acute and chronic diseases and for this we are having best qualified homoeopathic doctors available with us.

As you all know that In this modern mobile and digital era, diseases are increasing day by day just because of our poor life style which includes improper nutrition with no exercise and working in high level of pollution as well as radiation ; this give rise to all type of life-style diseases which includes Obesity, Diabetes, Text neck, Hypertension, Stress Related Anxiety And Depression, Thyroid And Menses Related Problems, Eczema Or Dermatitis, Lichen Planus, Psoriasis Vulgaris, Hairfall, Skin Allergy And Allergies To Milk, Dust, Mites, Wheat And Perfumes Etc, Student’ Stress, I.B.S. (Ulcerative Colitis ),Rheumatoid Arthritis And Other Auto Immune as well as Hormonal Disorders And Diseases Etc.

  • Dr. Vikas Singhal, a classical homeopath, has been practicing and treating patients now for the past 22 years, mainly in Chandigarh and Mohali (Punjab), India. Dr. Vikas is having a rich and varied clinical experience with a number of national and international achievements in his credit from presenting different case study papers on osteomyelitis, i.b.s. and cancer of various types in not only a new and innovatively designed method of applying homeopathy but with a blend of nutrition and spirituality. He applies all types of energy healing theories and practices together to give relief to all patients without being prejudiced. Dr. Vikas has vivifying energy, compassion, and passion to take homeopathic treatment to altogether new heights and avenues. he is known for his unique and peculiar style of case taking with the inclusion of diet.

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Ms. Inderpreet Kaur (Health Writer)

Ms. Inderpreet Kaur is a knowledgeable medical content writer specializing in homeopathy, enhancing patient understanding and outreach through accurate, research-based content.

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