Lipomas are benign, that is non-cancerous fatty lumps that form beneath the skin. It can be more than just a cosmetic concern. While they are generally harmless, they can sometimes grow in size or number, causing discomfort or self-consciousness. Fortunately, there are various treatment options available, one of which is homeopathy. In this blog, we […]
Tag: Homeopathic Treatment for Lipoma

Does Lipoma Have Treatment in Homeopathy?
Have you ever felt a soft & smooth lump under your skin that slips away when you try to push it? That’s a Lipoma. Lipoma is a very common benign (non-cancerous) tumor composed of fat cells. However, just because growth isn’t cancerous doesn’t mean it can’t cause problems. It often occurs between 40-60 years of […]

Various Health Conditions That Lead To Lipoma Development
A lipoma is a growth of fatty tissue in a thin, fibrous capsule that slowly develops just below the skin. These are noncancerous soft tissue growth. Although lipomas can form on any part of the body but are found most often on the neck, upper thighs, upper arms, torso, and armpits. People of any age […]