Asthma Homeopathy Treatment – Effective & Safe Alternative to a Great Respiratory Health

What is Asthma?

AshtmaThe word asthma has originated from an ancient Greek word meaning panting. Essentially asthma is a chronic and recurring inflammation of the air ways (bronchi) that results in obstruction of air flow. Asthma is very common all over the world, in all age groups. It may start in as early as months old baby to elder age group. Asthma is largely controllable and to an extent curable, depending on the stage and extent of the disease.

For effective and sustained relief from the condition, Asthma Homeopathy Treatment is recommended. Provided the fact that conventional medicines can only control the symptoms of the diseases for a short period of time, the need for a medical system that provides lasting results remains inevitable. Homeopathic Treatment of Asthma is not only effective in treating the symptoms but also targets the root cause of the disease. Moreover, Asthma Homeopathy Treatment is safer compared to the conventional medical system, as it doesn’t cause serious side effects; however, consulting a Homeopathic expert may be necessary.

What happens in Asthma?

There is a decrease in the lumen of the air ways resulting from a two fold response to the allergens and other irritants. Primarily in a hyper reactive response, the smooth muscles in the airways constrict and narrow excessively. Followed by an inflammatory response where the immune system responds to the allergens by sending white blood cells and other immune factors to the airways. These inflammatory factors cause a swelling of the airways and also an increase in the mucus secretion thus causing symptoms like wheezing, cough and shortness of breath.

Prevalence: Children aged 2-12 years reported higher rates of asthma (15.7%) than adults aged 16 years and over (10.1%). In males, the prevalence of asthma was highest among children aged 2-12 years; in females, prevalence was highest among young adults aged 16-24 years. Asthma is also closely linked to allergies. Most, but not all, people with asthma have allergies. Children with a family history of allergy and asthma are more likely to have asthma.

Asthma Causes: Factors Responsible for Asthma

Asthma has no single cause. It is caused my multiple factors, which can be divided in two groups:

  1. External
  2. Internal

Asthma is caused and maintained by more than one of the following causes:

  • Genetic or hereditary cause
  • Environmental factors (pollution, pollen, etc) – Systemic diseases
  • Mental stress
  • Allergens

Asthma has a tendency to recur and get chronic. It is often observed to be a life long disease like diabetes or high blood pressure.

One or more of the above factors lead to altered immunity which eventually leads to chronic asthma. It may be noted that the genetic tendency for asthma forms soil, leading to susceptibility to be affected by other external or internal trigger factors.

Allergens Causing Asthma
  • Pollens
  • Air pollutants
  • Smoking and second hand smoking
  • Respiratory infections
  • Common cold, Sinusitis
  • Exercise, physical exertion
  • Cold air
  • Medications: Aspirin, NSAID, Beta blockers etc.
  • GERD (Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease)
Asthma Risk Factors

The following factors increase your chances of developing Asthma.

  • Urban / Industrial areas where the exposure to environmental pollutants is more.
  • Work Environment – Exposure to chemicals, dust, industrial waste.
  • Heredity – Have a history of either parents or family members suffering from Asthma.
  • Childhood – History of recurrent respiratory tract infections, low birth weight.
  • GERD

Asthma Symptoms & Severity Levels of Asthma

The intensity, duration and recurrence of the symptoms vary from person to person. Even in the same person the symptoms may vary from episode to episode. Some people with asthma may have extended symptom-free periods, interrupted by periodic asthma episodes, while others may have some symptoms every day. Very often some people with asthma have symptoms only during exercise, or when they are exposed to allergens or viral respiratory tract infections.

Common Symptoms of Asthma

  • Cough is most often worse at night
  • Wheezing
  • It is a whistling sound when you breathe
  • Shortness of breath
  • A feeling of breathlessness
  • Nasal flaring
  • Rapid pulse
  • Sweating
  • In severe cases bluish discoloration of lips/face
  • Retractions of intercostal spaces

Asthma Symptoms

Based on symptoms, asthma is divided into four levels of severity are:

  • Mild intermittent: you have episodes of asthma symptoms twice a week or less, between episodes, however, you have no symptoms and your lung function is normal.
  • Mild persistent asthma: you have asthma symptoms more than twice a week, but no more than once in a single day. You are bothered by symptoms at night more than twice a month.
  • Moderate persistent asthma: you have asthma symptoms every day, and you are bothered by night time symptoms more than once a week.
  • Severe persistent asthma: you have symptoms throughout the day on most days, and you are bothered by night time symptoms often.

Asthma Diagnosis: Clinical Tests for Asthma

Diagnosis of asthma is mostly clinical. Some investigations to assess the extent of asthma and association of other conditions is usually called for in most cases. A detailed medical history and physical examination is done to assess the presence or severity of the following symptoms.

  • Recurrent respiratory infections
  • Allergic cough worse at night
  • Sudden onset of wheezing and shortness of breath when exposed to allergens
  • Your family history of asthma and allergies
  • Medicines you may have used to help your breathing

A physical examination of your respiratory system and a general examination is done to rule out other illness.

After medical history and examination, pulmonary function test and other investigations may be included to complete the diagnosis

Clinical Tests

Pulmonary function test

  • Spirometry
  • Challenge test
  • Exhaled Nitric oxide test
  • Complete Blood count
  • Chest and Sinus X-rays
  • CT scan (not done routinely)
  • GERD assessment test (if associated gastric symptoms)

Asthma Homeopathy Treatment

Asthma in adults is considered to be almost a life long suffering for most patients, if not all. The crucial issue is to manage it well, using milder medicines and achieving a relatively attack free phase for a long time.

Homeopathic alternative works wonders for Asthma. Patients who are on homeopathic medicines enjoy much better health than those who do not; as per the study.

Duration of Asthma Homeopathy Treatment

The total length of treatment varies form case to case, depending of the following factors:

  • Duration of Asthma
  • Severity and frequency of attacks
  • Environmental factors such as exposure to dust, allergens, industrial pollution, etc. Extent of spread (Small or large; one or multiple spots)
  • Previous and current medication (Extensive inhaled and oral cortisone)
  • Associated diseases eczema, pollen allergy, Ischemic heart disease, bronchiactasis, pulmonary fibrosis, etc.

One may expect a definite change in about three to five months. The total length of treatment varies from patient to patient.

Best Doctor & Treatment for Asthma and Allergy in India for child. Just Call or WhatsApp at +91 8264408264 to book an appointment at Dr. Singhal Homeo, and get Asthma Homeopathy Treatment. We provide online audio/video consultation and deliver your Homeopathic medicine across India and the Lithuania, France, Spain, Italy, Macau, Thailand, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Australia, USA, UK, Scotland, Austria, Canada, and Singapore.

Disclaimer: We do not claim to cure or provide guaranteed treatment for incurable diseases. Homeopathy aims to support overall health and well-being through individualized remedies. Treatment outcomes may vary, and we recommend consulting with relevant healthcare professionals for appropriate medical care for severe or chronic conditions. Also, please note that No Emergency Medicine can be given for various Life-Threatening Diseases. In case of emergency, please visit a nearby hospital or contact a professionally qualified doctor.

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