Angular Cheilitis & Its Homeopathic Treatment

Angular cheilitis is a condition affecting the skin of the corners of the mouth. In this condition, the skin of either one or both corners of the mouth develops painful cracks or sores. It leads to discomfort and aesthetic concerns for those affected. While conventional treatments often involve topical creams or antifungal medications, homeopathy offers a gentle and holistic approach to managing this condition. Homeopathic medicines for angular cheilitis are tailored to individual symptoms and constitution and aim to address underlying imbalances. This aids in holistic treatment of the condition while simultaneously alleviating the symptoms. Its non-invasive nature and minimal risk of side effects make it a promising alternative for thorough treatment and sustained relief from the condition.

Symptoms of Angular Cheilitis

Angular cheilitis typically presents the following symptoms:

  1. Redness at the corners of the mouth
  2. Cracking of the skin around the mouth corners, which may exude a watery discharge
  3. Pain and discomfort while eating, speaking, or opening the mouth wide
  4. Swelling of the affected area
  5. Dryness in the skin around the corners of the mouth
  6. Presence of burning or itching sensation in the affected area
  7. Affected area may develop sensitivity to touch
  8. Crusting or scabbing, another hallmark symptom of angular cheilitis problem
  9. Secondary infection due to bacterial, fungal, or yeast infection in the cracks

These symptoms can be mitigated easily by taking individualized homeopathic medicines for angular cheilitis.

Causes Behind Angular Cheilitis

Angular cheilitis is also known as perleche or angular stomatitis, which is known to have the following underlying causes:

  1. Microbial Infections: Fungal, bacterial, or yeast infections can thrive in the corners of the mouth where moisture accumulates, leading to inflammation and cracking. Candida albicans, the fungus responsible for oral thrush, is a common culprit.
  2. Poor Oral Hygiene: Inadequate dental care, including not cleaning the mouth and lips properly, can lead to a buildup of microbes, like bacteria and fungi, increasing the risk of infection.
  3. Nutritional Deficiencies: Deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, riboflavin (vitamin B2), and vitamin B12, can weaken the immune system and make the skin around the mouth more susceptible to infection and irritation.
  4. Drooling or Mouth Breathing: Conditions that cause excessive drooling or mouth breathing, such as poorly fitting dentures, sleep apnea, or allergies, can create a moist environment at the corners of the mouth, promoting the growth of microbes and irritation.
  5. Skin Irritants: Exposure to harsh chemicals found in certain skincare products, lip balms, or toothpaste, as well as allergens in food or oral hygiene products, can irritate the skin and contribute to angular cheilitis.
  6. Denture Use: Ill-fitting dentures or other dental appliances can cause irritation and friction at the corners of the mouth, leading to inflammation and cracking.
  7. Systemic Conditions: Underlying health conditions such as autoimmune diseases, diabetes, or HIV/AIDS can weaken the immune system. This can increase the patient’s susceptibility to infections like angular cheilitis.
  8. Excessive Licking or Biting: Habitual licking or biting of the lips can disrupt the protective barrier of the skin and introduce bacteria or fungi, exacerbating the condition.
  9. Dehydration: Inadequate hydration can lead to dry, cracked skin, making the corners of the mouth more prone to irritation and infection.
  10. External Factors: Environmental factors such as cold weather, wind exposure, or excessive sun exposure can contribute to dry, chapped lips and exacerbate angular cheilitis.

Understanding the exact cause is key for the Homeopathic doctor to properly individualize the patient. This further enables him/her to determine and prescribe the best Homeopathic medicines for angular cheilitis to a given patient.

Dietary Recommendations & Self-Help Tips

Why Dr. Singhal Homeo For Homeopathic Treatment of Angular Cheilitis?

Homeopathy is a holistic medical system that aims at treating the disease at its root and offering long-lasting benefits. Moreover, homeopathic medicines for angular cheilitis or any other health condition are safe to take. When taken with proper consultation with a qualified homeopathic doctor, these medicines can offer amazing results.

At Dr. Singhal Homeo, Dr. Vikas has been practicing for more than twenty years. Here, you also get personalized Homeopathic medicines for angular cheilitis, as well. He is among the very few homeopathic doctors, who still use the original form of homeopathy – Classical Homeopathy for disease management. This helps him provide holistic treatment for diseases, like cheilitis.

Dr. Vikas Singhal is treating patients from across India and in more than 70 countries. This proves his reputation as being one of the most sought-after Classical Homeopathic doctor for treating acute, chronic, and rare diseases.

You can opt for either an in-person or online consultation with him to get the best Homeopathic Medicines for Angular Cheilitis. To book your consultation, call or WhatsApp at +91 8264408264.