Homeopathic Medicine for Eyebrow Hair Loss

Eyebrow Hair LossMadarosis is a rare condition where the patient suffers from hair loss from the eyebrows. Some people are also known to suffer from eyelash hair loss. It can affect one side of your face or both. Conventional therapies include transplants for eyebrows and using topical application lotions and creams for hair growth. However, the success rate of these is always doubtful. Instead, using Homeopathic medicines for eyebrow hair loss is an effective solution and does not cause the discomfort caused by painful procedures like hair transplants.

Symptoms of Eyebrow Hair Loss

Symptoms are mostly cosmetic. Sometimes, it is asymptomatic, depending on its etiology. Eyebrow hair loss is characterized by hair loss from the eyelids, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Some other symptoms are:

  • Swollen, itchy, red & burning eyelids
  • Loss of hair from different parts of the body, mainly the scalp

Homeopathy for eyebrow hair fall can gently heal the problem without causing side effects.

Causes of Eyebrow Hair Loss

For effective eyelashes & eyebrow hair loss treatment in Homeopathy, understanding the causes is necessary. Since the underlying cause of madarosis is varied, it is helpful to categorize them into 2 categories – scarring and non-scarring. In scarring, there is no potential for hair regrowth, while hair regrowth is possible in non-scarring madarosis.

Causes of Eyebrow Hair Loss

Non-Scarring Madarosis

The conditions that cause non-scarring madarosis don’t destroy the hair follicle. This means that although the hair has fallen out, it can grow back in a few months. However, many of these conditions cause inflammation or hormonal disturbances that temporarily result in eyebrow or eyelash loss. These conditions include:

  • Blepharitis – A chronic inflammation of the eyelids.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis – It is an inflammatory skin condition causing red, scaly skin.
  • Alopecia areata – An autoimmune disorder causing hair loss in patches.
  • Psoriasis or Atopic dermatitis – These are among the chronic skin conditions resulting in red and itchy skin.
  • Rosacea – A chronic rash in the face.
  • Herpes simplex – A viral infection causing cold sores.
  • Thyroid hormonal disturbances – This includes hypo and hyperthyroidism, or pituitary insufficiency.
  • Drug-induced Madarosis – This is due to the use of propranolol, miotics (glaucoma treatment medicines), anti-cholesterol, anticoagulants, chemotherapy drugs, retinoids, and other medications.
  • Nutritional deficiencies – This is due to malnutrition, including lack of protein, zinc, biotin, or iron.
  • Secondary syphilis – It develops 2-8 weeks after primary syphilis and causes madarosis.
  • Trichotillomania – It is also known as hair pulling disorder. In this condition, people compulsively pull out their hair from the eyelashes, eyebrows, and scalp.

Homeopathic medicine for eyebrow hair loss treatment can effectively control the progress and spread of bald spots & promote the growth of hair.

Scarring Madarosis

The conditions that cause scarring madarosis destroys the hair follicle itself, preventing hair growth. The following are the conditions:

  • Trauma or burn – Eventually, this can damage the hair follicles.
  • Discoid lupus erythematosus – It is a chronic skin disease causing scarring, hair loss, and hyperpigmentation.
  • Lepromatous leprosy – An infectious disease affecting the skin, nerves, eyes, and respiratory tract.
  • Lichen planopilaris – An inflammatory condition causing hair loss, pain, and burning sensation in scalp and hair.
  • Malignant tumors – In this case, the hair follicles are destroyed by skin cancers such as squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma.
  • Folliculitis decalvans, Lupus vulgaris, and Tertiary syphilis – These are inflammatory diseases that lead to follicle destruction.
  • Congenital causes – Absence of eyelashes and eyebrows at birth.
  • Radiation Therapy – Cancer radiation therapy can permanently destroy hair follicles when used to treat some types of cancer.

But, opting for eyebrow hair loss treatment in Homeopathy can effectively help deal with the causative factors & help stimulate the body’s natural healing capacity.

Diagnosis of Eyebrow Hair Loss

A homeopathic doctor can diagnose madarosis based on a patient’s medical history, symptoms, and physical examination. For an effective eyebrow hair loss treatment in Homeopathy, they might recommend additional tests such as:

  • Blood tests
  • Skin swabs to test for bacterial infections
  • Skin scraping to test for fungal infections
  • Dermoscopy or dermatoscopy to examine the skin

Dr. Singhal Homeo – For the Best Eyebrow Hair Loss Treatment in Homeopathy

At Dr. Singhal Homeo Clinic, Dr. Vikas Singhal, uses the science of Homeopathy to deliver the best results in diseases. He thoroughly understands your health, personality traits, lifestyle, and hereditary factors. These patterns help him to plan a unique, individualized eyebrow hair loss treatment in Homeopathy. This plan includes Homeopathic medicines of eyebrow hair loss and lifestyle tips for the complete well-being of the patient.

Dr. Vikas Singhal has been the leading advocate of Classical Homeopathy for 22 years. Besides India, he has provided healthcare services in various countries, including the Lithuania, France, Spain, Italy, Macau, Thailand, Nigeria, USA, UK, Singapore, Scotland, Austria, Canada, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Australia, Bangladesh, England, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and many more. He is considered one of the leading homeopathic doctors in India and abroad due to his expertise in treating mild, chronic, rare, and autoimmune diseases.

All our medicines are prepared as per instruction of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India (HPI) in our own pharmacy. Our Chandigarh clinic offers in-person consultations or online treatments (over a voice or video call as required by the patient and the doctor). Alternatively, you can opt for a home delivery service and receive your Homeopathic medicine for eyebrow hair loss right at your doorstep.

For further queries about Homeopathic medicine for eyebrow hair loss treatment, call or WhatsApp at +91 9056551747 to schedule an appointment.