Diabetic Foot Ulcer Treatment in Homeopathy

Diabetic Foot Ulcer Homeopathic MedicineDid you know that 1 in 4 people with diabetes will develop a foot ulcer? If you’re one of the millions of Indians living with diabetes, it’s important to know the early warning signs of diabetic foot ulcers. Furthermore, the risk of foot problems in diabetic people has been increasing largely. It is either because of diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage) or peripheral arterial disease (poor blood supply in the arteries to the leg muscles), or both. Peripheral arterial disease usually affects people over the age of 50 and also increases the risk of heart attack & stroke. Diabetic foot treatment in Homeopathy extends beyond the physical symptoms & treats the root cause, thereby giving you long-lasting results.

Diabetic Foot Ulcers – A Dreaded Complication

A diabetic foot ulcer results from skin tissue breaking down from constant pressure and forming an open sore or wound. About 65% of diabetics will develop neuropathy. When neuropathy occurs in the feet, it leads to decreased sensation. This means that a person with neuropathy may not feel pain or notice a wound on their foot until it becomes infected. If the infection becomes severe, an amputation may be necessary. Moreover, diabetic foot ulcer is one of the most commonly reported diseases that lead to hospitalization for patients with diabetes. Homeopathic medicine for diabetic foot ulcer uses highly personalized medicines to treat the problem. It is desirable for better management of the condition while avoiding the side effects of conventional medication.

Factors Causing Diabetic Foot Ulcer

The following factors contribute to the development of diabetic foot ulcers:

  • Diabetes type-2 sufferers
  • Poor diabetic control and high hemoglobin A1c
  • Being male
  • Obesity
  • A past history of diabetic foot ulcer
  • Addictive behaviors like using tobacco & alcohol can also increase the risk of developing foot ulcers.

Diabetic foot treatment in Homeopathy can treat foot ulcers to their roots irrespective of age and sex.

Homeopathic medicine for diabetic foot ulcer

Symptoms of Diabetic Foot Ulcer

It is common for people with foot ulcers to no longer feel pain in their feet. So, it is important to keep an eye on other symptoms that can alert you to diabetic foot ulcers. Common symptoms include:

  • Pus Discharge
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Foul smell
  • Open lesions or sores
  • Cracks
  • Fever and chills in serious cases

Diabetic foot ulcer Homeopathic medicine follows a curative approach to treat them rather than suppressing them. Moreover, it regulates the body’s immune system to prevent extensive damage to the body.

Diabetic foot ulcer Homeopathic medicine

Size-Wise Classification of Diabetic Foot Ulcer

There are many different sizes of ulcers. They start as small as 1 cm wide (about the size of a pea) and, if left untreated, can grow to the size of your entire foot.

There can also be changes in the depth of the ulcer. Different classification systems define these ulcers differently. For example, Wagner Diabetic Foot Ulcer Grade Classification System has 6 grades:

  • Grade 0 – Your skin is intact (undamaged).
  • Grade 1 – In this case, the ulcer is superficial, meaning there is a break in the skin, but the wound is shallow.
  • Grade 2 – The ulcer is a deep wound.
  • Grade 3 – Part of the bone in your foot is visible.
  • Grade 4 – The forefront of your foot has gangrene (death of foot tissues).
  • Grade 5 – The entire foot has gangrene.

Homeopathic medicine for diabetic foot ulcer will help & act at the cellular level to treat insulin resistance. It will also stimulate beta cells to produce insulin, which controls sugar levels.

Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Diabetic Foot Ulcer in India

If you have diabetic foot and are seeking the best Homeopathic treatment, consult Dr. Vikas Singhal. He is among the greatest advocates of using and working for the uplifting of Classical Homeopathy. He has been practicing at Dr. Singhal Homeo in Chandigarh for 22 years. His expertise in treating acute, chronic, rare, and autoimmune diseases makes him one of the best Homeopathic doctors in India.

He is also treating patients from different countries like the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Lithuania, France, Spain, Italy, Macau, Thailand, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Singapore, Scotland, Austria, and more. After going through the patient’s diagnosis reports, symptoms, and medical history, Dr. Vikas Singhal uses individualized Diabetic foot ulcer Homeopathic medicine for each case.

You can visit our Chandigarh clinic for an in-person consultation with the doctor or opt for an online treatment according to your preference. You can also opt for the home delivery service and get your Homeopathic medicine for diabetic foot ulcer at your doorsteps.

For further queries about Diabetic foot treatment in Homeopathy, feel free to call or WhatsApp at +91 9056551747 to schedule an appointment.