
Important Things To Know About Chikungunya Virus

  • Ms. Inderpreet Kaur (Health Writer)

Chikungunya is a virus, generally transmitted by mosquitoes that result in severe joint pain and abrupt onset of fever. This virus was first observed in Africa in 1952 and since then it afflicted people in tropical regions across South Asia, Africa, and Southeast Asia.

Important things to know about Chikungunya

  • It Can Be Transmitted By Two Types Of Mosquitoes : Chikungunya is mainly transmitted by Aedes aegypti and A. albopictus mosquitoes. The females of these species of mosquito bite during the day and spread the chikungunya. These not only transmit this disease, but also dengue and yellow fever. A mosquito that bites an infected person can transmit the virus to an uninfected person when it bites them.
  • Appearance Of Symptoms : The symptoms of chikungunya mostly start to appear within three to seven days of a mosquito bite. However, the total length of incubation period can be from one to 12 days. In majority of cases, there is a sudden onset of high fever along with joint pain. Some other possible symptoms include headache, nausea, conjunctivitis, vomiting, arthritis, and maculopapular rash.

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  • Chikungunya Is Quite Difficult To Diagnose : As the incubation period for this condition can last for around 12 days, thus travellers mostly return home without even having any idea that they are infected. Moreover, chikungunya is difficult to diagnose without laboratory testing, because the symptoms of this mostly resemble dengue and other viruses.
  • Quite Common In Tropical Regions : Aedes aegypti and A. albopictus mosquitoes also known as the Asian tigers and they are aggressive daytime biters, thus, those living in tropical regions need to be very careful about this. Those travelling tropical regions must cover their skin mainly the limbs. These mosquitoes generally stay away from sunlight and mostly breed in swampy areas.
  • There Is No Treatment Or Cure For Chikungunya : As there is no specific cure for Chikungunya, thus, doctors always recommend that some precautionary methods should be taken to prevent this condition. They suggest that the best way to prevent chikungunya is to protect you against mosquitoes. One needs to take measures like wearing long sleeves to protect the skin from bites and if necessary use insect repellents. Moreover, patients should do rest, drink fluids and take some fever-reducing and pain-relieving medicines such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Some Prevention Measures Need To Be Taken

As there is no particular vaccine or medicine to prevent or treat this virus, hence, the only way is to treat the symptoms. A few things that can help include:

  • Be away from mosquitoes. To avoid mosquito bites one can use mosquito nets, repellent sprays and creams, and screens on windows.
  • Remove the things where mosquitoes can lay eggs such as artificial containers that hold water in and around your home. Moreover, keep your surroundings clear of stagnant water or pools.
  • Take a balanced diet and nutritious food, as it helps to increase your immunity and improve health.
  • Have lots of fluids as maintaining hydration is the best thing for a quick recovery.
  • If you suffer with a high fever for more than 24 hours, consult a doctor. Do not take anti-fever medication without the recommendation of a doctor.
  • Do not take any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Friends, as you all know very well that classical homeopathic medicines are prescribed only on the basis of TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS with a clear cut identification of disease in patient and patient in disease also, even then we are providing here just a few homeopathic medicines for different types of medical problems in a short way.

But reader is advised very strongly to use the medicines only under medical supervision and these medicines should never ever consumed without proper consultation with your doctor or GP.

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As you all know that In this modern mobile and digital era, diseases are increasing day by day just because of our poor life style which includes improper nutrition with no exercise and working in high level of pollution as well as radiation ; this give rise to all type of life-style diseases which includes Obesity, Diabetes, Text neck, Hypertension, Stress Related Anxiety And Depression, Thyroid And Menses Related Problems, Eczema Or Dermatitis, Lichen Planus, Psoriasis Vulgaris, Hairfall, Skin Allergy And Allergies To Milk, Dust, Mites, Wheat And Perfumes Etc, Student’ Stress, I.B.S. (Ulcerative Colitis ),Rheumatoid Arthritis And Other Auto Immune as well as Hormonal Disorders And Diseases Etc.

  • Dr. Vikas Singhal, a classical homeopath, has been practicing and treating patients now for the past 22 years, mainly in Chandigarh and Mohali (Punjab), India. Dr. Vikas is having a rich and varied clinical experience with a number of national and international achievements in his credit from presenting different case study papers on osteomyelitis, i.b.s. and cancer of various types in not only a new and innovatively designed method of applying homeopathy but with a blend of nutrition and spirituality. He applies all types of energy healing theories and practices together to give relief to all patients without being prejudiced. Dr. Vikas has vivifying energy, compassion, and passion to take homeopathic treatment to altogether new heights and avenues. he is known for his unique and peculiar style of case taking with the inclusion of diet.

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Ms. Inderpreet Kaur (Health Writer)

Ms. Inderpreet Kaur is a knowledgeable medical content writer specializing in homeopathy, enhancing patient understanding and outreach through accurate, research-based content.

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