This is a thanking gesture from Navya’s father in the form of a story.
Sir, it was September 2017 when our 13-month-old Navya fell-down, and we thought it was just a fumble and ignored it. Three days later, we noticed that she was not walking as usual. She felt immense pain when I touched near her right knee joint in the leg. We got her x-ray done and the first time came to know that she had osteomyelitis. I read about this decease on the internet, the more I was reading about this problem, I was getting nervous and hopeless too. I went to Patna and consulted a specialist, and he suggested immediate surgery, I did not want my daughter to go through such a complicated and painful treatment.
As I was continuously in touch with the internet, I was open for all better options. But I also kept this in mind that I had little time because with the time the disease could spread more and can worsen the situation.
I was praying to GOD, why, he has given so much pain to a little child.
“GOD HEARD ME” I Came across Dr. VIKAS SINGHAL in CHANDIGARH through the internet. He responded to me quickly, and assured me and also consoled me. I thought to try with his homeopathic treatment. The result was quick, then we accepted. After about four weeks, there was a wound formation below the right knee (infected area). After two weeks, the infection burst out, and all the infection came out in the form of “pus.” We time to time kept reporting about the situation, by WhatsApp.